Publications | Pharmacists & Patient Outcomes
Pharmacist & Outcomes – ALL
Introduction: Using long-acting injectable (LAI) medications increases treatment adherence and promotes positive outcomes for patients with substance use disorders (SUD). Despite documented benefits that LAI medications can have over their oral counterparts, they continue to be underused. With the expansion of pharmacists' scope of practice for medication administration services, there [...]
CONCLUSION: High levels of satisfaction with the outcomes of the medication reviews-particularly regarding quality, patient safety, and their overall positive impact on the ward-indicate that both patients and HCPs perceived the service as highly valuable in supporting patient care throughout the medication process. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist-led statin initiation is effective; however, systematic barriers remain to improve statin quality performance. These results can help others adopt innovative practices that target statin care gaps and assess opportunities for quality improvement. [...]
CONCLUSION: Low-quality data with high risk of bias suggest that pharmacist-managed renal anaemia may improve the percentage of haemoglobin within target range and reduce the ESA dose. However, meta-analysis was impossible due to substantial heterogeneity. Therefore, no definite conclusions could be drawn on the effectiveness of pharmacist-managed dosing of ESA [...]
Introduction: Clinical pharmacists bring unparalleled medication expertise, but quantifying their impact on a health system's bottom line remains unestablished. Objective: To classify interventions by pharmacists with and without board certification and quantify the cost avoidance (CA) from accepted interventions. Methods: This multicenter prospective observational study, conducted between August 2018 and [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-administered injectable contraception appears to be beneficial, accessible, and convenient for patients while aligning with pharmacists' capabilities and professional roles. Barriers should be addressed when considering implementation. Future research should aim to broaden the evidence-based research across different regions and explore long-term outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: Expanded CDTM law enables qualified pharmacists to play a pivotal role in influencing population health outcomes. With a CDTM agreement, pharmacists can overcome barriers to initiating statins for eligible individuals and thereby directly impact star ratings. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacy services provided by community pharmacists can lead to an improvement in clinical and behavioral outcomes. While there is some evidence indicating benefits in economic and humanistic outcomes, this evidence is less consistent and should be interpreted cautiously. This umbrella review highlights the importance of further research to strengthen [...]
Background: Asthma is one of the most common pediatric disease states. However, current literature about outpatient pharmacy appointment effectiveness on pediatric asthma control is not widely available. Objective: To determine whether outpatient pharmacist visits in pediatric patients with asthma result in a measurable difference in asthma control, utilizing the validated [...]
CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrated that pharmacist-physician collaboration service in the PD clinic positively impacted patient outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacists, in collaboration with multiple physician specialties, successfully implemented an outpatient penicillin allergy testing service to safely de-label patients and support antimicrobial stewardship. [...]
CONCLUSION: The study underscores the critical role of pharmacists in psychiatric care, with high physician acceptance of their interventions. The diverse range of DRPs highlights the need to expand clinical pharmacy services and integrate pharmacists into psychiatric teams. Our findings clearly demonstrate that integrating pharmacists into psychiatric care settings is [...]
CONCLUSIONS: General practice pharmacist-led person-centred medicines reviews for patients with hyperpolypharmacy and/or at high risk of medicines-related harm delivered substantial improvements in medicines appropriateness and patient-reported outcomes, thus providing evidence to support their wider implementation. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led medication reviews were effective in resolving DRPs and improving clinical outcomes in HD patients, such as quality of life and lab values. However, their impact on healthcare utilisation and mortality remains inconclusive. Further research with longer follow-up is needed to assess the long-term economic outcomes of these interventions. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist care and physician care for patient e-visits for COVID-19 medication both yielded high quality of care, with no significant group differences. Evaluation of pharmacist care may be warranted for other e-visits designed to facilitate medication prescribing. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The cluster RCT will provide evidence on medication management through televisits. If found effective in improving the use of medications, the intervention has the potential to impact older adults with multiple chronic conditions and polypharmacy. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacist-led intervention reduced the proportion of patients receiving SUP in the ICUs, without significantly affecting the proportion of patients with overt gastrointestinal bleeding. These findings will help guide ICU medical decision-making. [...]
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are a leading cause of poor maternal and birth outcomes worldwide. Prompt management of these disorders is usually recommended to optimize outcomes. Administration of pharmacotherapeutic agents is critical in the prevention and management of these disorders. The services of the pharmacist are required to maximize [...]
CONCLUSION: Data collected with respect to opioid use post-surgery, feasibility and acceptability of the intervention, patient experience and outcome data will inform the design of future research and larger clinical trials. [...]
CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE: This evaluation suggests pharmacist-led TOC discharge services may lead to hospital readmission reduction in a socially complex managed Medicaid population in a safety-net hospital setting. [...]
Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are prevalent among Long-Term Care (LTC) users. Older people, who most use LTC services, are more prone to drug-related problems, which polypharmacy aggravates. Deprescribing is a key intervention to address polypharmacy and inappropriate medication. Evidence shows that pharmacists' expertise in medicines and their growing involvement in clinical-oriented [...]
CONCLUSION: Increased awareness and ability of community pharmacists to deprescribe medication and use of general practitioners' data, led community pharmacists and general practitioners to successfully conduct a more deprescribing-focused CMR in daily practice. Further research is needed to assess the necessity of additional training to optimize the deprescribing of cardiovascular [...]
CONCLUSION: Standardized OAA tools can inform and support quality improvement initiatives and improve the care of patients receiving OAAs. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmaceutical care services provided to diabetes patients had positive effects on disease prognosis, knowledge levels and disease perceptions. Patients with HbA1c level higher than 9% had the greatest benefit from pharmacist interventions. [...]
CONCLUSION: Antimicrobial stewardship programmes are critical for any institution's proper health care system. It ensures proper antibiotic outflow to patients, thereby improving their health status. The role of pharmacists in establishing an AMS in a hospital setting is a highly commendable activity that enhances healthcare collaboration and outcomes. Clinical pharmacists [...]
Digital health interventions have emerged as a promising approach for patient care. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of pharmacist-led digital health interventions for patients with diabetes. The PubMed database was used to select randomized controlled trials that assess the effectiveness of digital health interventions [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating an oncology clinical pharmacist into the clinical research team was associated with improved clinical trial enrollment. Validation of the effect of multidisciplinary interventions across a broader spectrum of differentially resourced oncology practices will be conducted within future MYLUNG iterations. [...]
CONCLUSION: This study identified the pharmacist's role in supportive care management and reports the successful integration of a clinical pharmacist into a breast cancer clinic. Future directions include conducting prospective studies to further explore the impact of the clinical pharmacist on treatment outcomes. [...]
Background/Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can cause cases of community-acquired pneumonia, hospital-acquired pneumonia, and ventilator-associated pneumonia, and nasal colonization with this pathogen increases the risk of infection. Due to its high negative predictive value, multiple studies support using the MRSA nasal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to discontinue antimicrobials that [...]
CONCLUSION: Clinical pharmacy interventions significantly enhance medication adherence and improve patient achievement of target BP goals in TRH patients. Incorporating clinical pharmacy services into routine care can lead to better health management and increased patient QoL. Further research is needed to explore long-term benefits and cost-effectiveness. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that this approach led to fewer DRPs, a high rate of acceptance, and better adherence to treatment guidelines. This is the first retrospective pre-post study in the European Union to include this collaboration in daily rounds at psychiatric hospitals, focusing on somatic comorbidities. However, the study [...]
CONCLUSION: The results suggest implementing a pharmacist driven MRSA nasal surveillance program into practice could increase the number of MRSA nasal swabs ordered and promote timely de-escalation of vancomycin in patients with pneumonia. [...]
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is commonly treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). However, adverse events from such treatment can lead to treatment discontinuation and additional medical expenditures. Ambulatory care from oncology pharmacists in patient education and symptom management can benefit patients with NSCLC. In this study, we evaluated the [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The University of Colorado Medicine's population health initiative provided mixed results on medication adherence metrics. Electronic health record messaging provided insight into ways to improve the intervention to better engage and assist patients. [...]
The unintended consequences of polypharmacy pose significant risks to older adults. The complexities of managing numerous medications from multiple prescribers demand a comprehensive approach to mitigate harms. Pharmacist-led clinics have been shown to improve outcomes in patients with diabetes and hypertension. Pharmacist-led clinics focused on broader issues of polypharmacy have [...]
Policies that increase contraceptive access for young women and their partners are a potentially low-cost way of reducing unintended pregnancies and improving later life outcomes. Several states have recently implemented laws that allow pharmacists to prescribe contraceptives to women without the need to see a physician. We study the effect [...]
CONCLUSIONS: A community pharmacist-linked cessation program in homeless shelters was associated with reduced consumption and increased weekly quit attempts, highlighting its potential for scalability among people experiencing homelessness with high rates of co-occurring behavioral health conditions. [...]
(1) Background: In general, it is known that continuity of care can contribute to an increase in patient satisfaction, reduce health care costs, and improve patient outcomes. A guarantee of continuity in pharmacotherapy is a big challenge facing Japanese health care as a system that encourages cooperation/collaboration for pharmacists with [...]
Purpose: Emergency response teams are designed to promptly deliver care to hospitalized patients experiencing acute decompensation events. Pharmacists are an integrated part of emergency response teams and their presence at emergency response events has been shown to improve adherence to institutional and advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) guidelines. This study [...]
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This randomized clinical trial found a modest improvement in medication adherence among patients with CHF who received the pharmacist-led management intervention vs usual care. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that pharmacist-led interventions significantly reduce drug-related problems in vascular surgery patients during hospitalisation, contributing to patient safety and clinical outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: The current study showed the critical role of clinical pharmacists in training patients about medications and improving adherence to their pharmacotherapy. [...]
Adverse events (AEs) induced by cancer chemotherapy reduce not only patient quality of life (QOL) but also the efficacy of treatment. Management of AEs can therefore improve both the efficacy and safety of cancer chemotherapy. This review describes the contribution of pharmacists to the management of adverse events aimed at [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation at discharge may prevent harm from reaching patients, decrease cost from unnecessary health encounters, and stop the error from continuing across transitions of care. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led AFS has the potential to enhance the effectiveness of antifungal treatments by improving their overall quality, reduction in consumption, and adverse events. The healthcare system should encourage multidisciplinary collaboration where pharmacists play a central role in decision-making processes regarding antifungal use. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacist-led ASP model showed an increase in adherence to the care bundle between the two study periods, with reduced probability of a negative outcome. Furthermore, risk factors for S. aureus bacteraemia were identified that may inform management and contribute to better patient outcomes in the paediatric population. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The Si-Care intervention significantly improved medication adherence among people with schizophrenia, contributing to the maintenance of stable symptoms. Pharmacist-led home interventions provide valuable support to address adherence challenges and should be considered a critical component in schizophrenia care. Future studies should consider a more rigorous design, a larger sample [...]
CONCLUSION: Community pharmacists have an impact on improving self-care behaviors among patients with cardiovascular diseases. Community pharmacists, through their proactive involvement and tailored care approaches, are identified as key agents in chronic disease management, empowering patients towards healthier outcomes in the face of ongoing health challenges. [...]
CONCLUSION: Many PIs have positive clinical, economic and organizational impacts, which highlights the added value of pharmacists in patient safety and positive impacts on health care teams. The pertinence of PIs can now be assessed by the CLEO© tool with a broader focus than prescribers' acceptance. [...]
Background: Traditional Post-Intensive Care Recovery Clinics (PIRCs) often exclude neurocritical care patients. In 2020, a multidisciplinary team started Post Neuro Intensive Care Virtual Clinic (PREVAIL) that uses telemedicine to provide consultative care for patients with a primary neurologic injury who are at risk for post-intensive care syndrome. During clinic, critical [...]
CONCLUSION: The outcomes of this review highlight a current gap in insomnia management practices carried out by pharmacists and provide evidence for expanded roles and improved care provision when pharmacists are upskilled with specialized training/education. [...]
CONCLUSION: MRC-ICU displayed a weakly positive correlation with pharmacist workload, suggesting its potential use in identifying patients likely to benefit from pharmacist intervention. [...]
CONCLUSION: Utilization of pharmacy residents and student pharmacists within the pharmacist-led CCM program resulted in a positive ROI, even in a small private practice. The ROI from monthly CCM codes alone was also positive, demonstrating sustainability of profits from the CCM program. Preceptors and schools of pharmacy should evaluate opportunities [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Evaluations and delabelling by pharmacists (vs allergists) were comparably effective and safe among patients with low-risk penicillin allergy. Moreover, patients evaluated by pharmacists even reported significantly greater improvements in HR-QoL, highlighting the potential of multidisciplinary allergy initiatives. [...]
CONCLUSION: Utilizing a TOC pharmacy service may be associated with a reduction in all-cause 30-day readmission rates for patients with COPD. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist-led aminoglycoside stewardship significantly improved the appropriate use of aminoglycosides and decreased the associated costs. Thus, pharmacist involvement is essential for the proper use of aminoglycosides. However, many patients required aminoglycoside dose reductions despite the pharmacist's guideline-based dosing design. Therefore, further accumulation of information on the management of aminoglycoside [...]
CONCLUSION: Findings of this RCT demonstrate that integrating clinical pharmacists into the MDT team in low low-resource setting is feasible and shows promise in improving QoL, reducing anxiety and depression, and enhancing medication adherence among cancer patients. These findings support the feasibility of conducting a full-scale RCT. Enabling clinical pharmacists [...]
Medication review is a collaborative process between pharmacists and general practitioners (GPs) aimed at optimizing patient care by identifying and eliminating harmful medications. This paper proposes a collaborative platform to enhance pharmacist-GP interactions, assess drug-drug interactions, evaluate adverse effects, and manage dosages. The platform uses the issue mapping function of [...]
CONCLUSION: These quantitative findings highlight the importance of pharmacist-led interventions and suggest a framework for future programs about medication management. [...]
Background:Patients are at risk of experiencing medication errors during each transition of care (TOC), which can result in adverse drug events and readmissions. Implementing a pharmacist-led TOC service can optimize medication safety and patient outcomes by identifying and correcting medication discrepancies prior to hospital discharge. A pharmacist-led TOC service at [...]
Purpose: While intravenous (IV) iron repletion is an effective tool to treat anemia and improve outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD), guideline laboratory definitions of iron deficiency differ, resulting in variability in screening and repletion strategies. This study sought to describe current practices surrounding identification and treatment of iron deficiency [...]
CONCLUSION: The implementation of pharmacist-led anticoagulation services in primary care settings was identified as both feasible and essential for improving patient outcomes. The insights from this study can inform future initiatives aimed at enhancing anticoagulation management in primary care settings. [...]
CONCLUSION: The impact of pharmacist-led interventions in rural pharmacies allowed the detection of a high number of drug-related issues and significantly reduced the number of DRPs and PIPs, preventing negative health outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: The IMMENSE intervention significantly reduced the risk of PIMs at discharge, with no effect on PPOs. Living in nursing homes, home care facilities, or institutions prior to hospitalization increased the risk of PPOs at discharge. Pharmacists may contribute to improved medication appropriateness in older hospitalized patients. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: In this retrospective cohort study, a pharmacist-led MTM program was associated with favorable guideline-directed medical therapy optimization and lower risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis with HF. [...]
CONCLUSION: Existing evidence demonstrates the positive impact of pharmacists' involvement in AMS. There needs to be a concerted effort in facilitating pharmacist roles in AMS across all countries, irrespective of income setting. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist prescribing has increased significantly over a short period of time. Environmental supports (e.g., time, space, access to patient records), government funding, peer support, and public awareness are needed to optimize and fully implement these practice changes. [...]
CONCLUSION: The study emphasizes the importance of addressing discrepancies made by patients after hospital discharge, which can result in potentially harmful outcomes. It also shows that a pharmacist-led hospital intervention can significantly reduce discrepancies in the early post-discharge period. These findings can guide the development of future services to improve [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Consumers were supportive of pharmacists working to their full scope of practice to provide expanded services, whereas pharmacists, while open to the idea, highlighted that there were barriers to overcome. [...]
CONCLUSION: This study highlights the high incidence of DRPs and malnutrition risk in ICU patients with renal dysfunction, emphasizing the vital role of clinical pharmacists. Their collaboration with healthcare professionals significantly reduced both DRPs and NRPs. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Following implementation of a pharmacist-driven AUC monitoring program, patients were less likely to develop nephrotoxicity during outpatient vancomycin therapy. [...]
As the landscape of psychiatry evolves, psychiatric clinical pharmacists are positioned to use their expertise to enhance the quality of care on inpatient child and adolescent units. By playing key roles in comprehensive medication management, psychotropic stewardship, transitions of care, and educational initiatives, they can help not only interdisciplinary teams [...]
BACKGROUND: Group education has demonstrated benefits among people with diabetes, including reduced A1C and improved self-monitoring practices. Despite this, attendance rates are low for a variety of reasons, including lack of understanding of potential benefits among patients. [...]
Background: Critical care pharmacists complete comprehensive medication reviews in Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) patients at Intensive Care Unit Recovery Centers (ICU-RCs) to optimize medication therapies after hospital discharge. Inpatient pharmacists often complete medication reconciliations prior to hospital discharge, which could affect interventions at an ICU-RC. However, this association remains [...]
CONCLUSION: While low patient enrollment limited the ability to observe trends and draw conclusions about the potential impact of the intervention, enrollment barriers and lessons learned highlight opportunities to refine the intervention with the goal of improving the outcomes and well-being of PWE. [...]
Background: Although electronic consults (e-consults) are utilized in healthcare systems by medical professionals, use of e-consults by pharmacy remains novel outside of niche disease states. Additional research is required to fill literature gaps to assist in optimizing the pharmacist's role in e-consult programs. Objective: This study aimed to assess the [...]
Purpose: Ambulatory care pharmacists (ACPs) on healthcare teams improve patient outcomes and can manage multiple chronic disease states. ACPs have demonstrated clinical benefit but need to prove financial sustainability. The primary objective of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of utilizing ACPs for diabetes mellitus (DM) management. Methods: This [...]
Contemporary patient care requires a multidisciplinary approach to monitoring, assessing, and managing diseases. Promoting multidisciplinary approaches encourages the purposeful participation of many healthcare professionals and harnessing their combined knowledge to provide tailored treatment plans. Pharmacists, skilled and knowledgeable professionals in medication management, drug-related problems, and disease prevention, can offer vital [...]
CONCLUSION: HMRs targeting TTs improved health outcomes in people with COPD. Credentialed pharmacists in primary care can work alongside general practitioners to optimise COPD management. [...]
DISCLAIMER: In an effort to expedite the publication of articles, AJHP is posting manuscripts online as soon as possible after acceptance. Accepted manuscripts have been peer-reviewed and copyedited, but are posted online before technical formatting and author proofing. These manuscripts are not the final version of record and will be [...]
CONCLUSION: Patients presenting with STEMI rapidly traverse multiple phases of care and receive a host of antithrombotic and supportive medications during acute management, presenting many important pharmacotherapeutic decision points and roles for pharmacists. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacist-driven weekend AMS is an opportunity for pharmacists to intervene and optimize patients' care plans. This initiative demonstrated significant increased AMS-related interventions, promoted judicious antimicrobial use, and contributed to a reduced length of hospital stay. Our findings need to be replicated in a larger prospective study. [...]
In Mexico, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious public health concern. As experts in drug therapy, pharmacists are essential additions to multidisciplinary diabetes patient care teams. There have been no systematic reviews or meta-analyses performed on pharmacist-led interventions (PIs) in Mexico; therefore, the impact of PIs on patients [...]
CONCLUSION: This clinical pharmacist-driven service leveraged technology and patient connection to increase medication adherence in patients with chronic disease states and led to improvement in select disease control measures and substantial health care cost savings. [...]
Background: Frailty and polymedication are closely interrelated. Addressing these concurrent conditions in primary care settings relies on the utilization of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) lists and medication reviews (MRs), particularly in rural areas, where healthcare professionals serve as the sole point of access to the medical system. The aim of [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Implementing a pharmacist discharge medication service requires consideration of -pharmacist time and salary, which may be offset by cost-avoidance. [...]
CONCLUSION: By presenting screenshots of our SmartForm©, our findings are useful to other healthcare systems looking for a PROM solution integrated in the EHR, with a reasonable pharmacist/clinician workload, and no requirement for patients to have internet access/comfort. [...]
CONCLUSION: A new feasible, complex MR intervention utilising clinical pharmacists in general practice involving hospital clinical pharmacists in a real-life setting was developed. [...]
CONCLUSION: A combination of ToC and PHP services reduced 30-, 60-, and 90-day readmission rates in an MV-BP population. These results support the expansion of pharmacy-based ToC to minimize readmissions within 90 days for this Medicare population. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmaceutical care services improved the medication adherence, quality of life and clinical outcomes of patients with stroke. [...]
CONCLUSION: Findings showed pharmacist interventions had mixed results for various outcomes. Future studies should be more robustly designed and take into consideration the role of the pharmacist in prescribing and deprescribing, the findings of which will help inform research and clinical practice. [...]
CONCLUSION: HF pharmacists can optimise patients' HF and non-HF medical therapy typically within 3 months. By reviewing all prescribed medications, HF pharmacists provide a holistic review of all medications. They can play a vital role in addressing the underutilisation of HF medical therapy and thereby improving patient outcomes. [...]
Objective: The objective is to evaluate the impact of consultant pharmacist-directed anticoagulation management in the post-acute and long-term care (PALTC) setting. Design: Retrospective study. Participants: Patients whose clinical details were included in the ASCP aggregate data and were older than 65 years of age, admitted to PALTC facility, and had [...]
BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections are common affections, especially for women. Difficult access to a general practitioner to obtain a prescription has led France to offer dispensing under protocol by community pharmacists. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacist care protocol provided to manage [...]
Background: Many infectious diseases are diagnosed in emergency departments (ED) and patients are prescribed antimicrobial therapy. Results from cultures typically take a few days to become finalized. Following up on these results is necessary when medication changes are indicated due to results that show bacteria are resistant to the prescribed [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a collaborative model of pharmacist and nurse-led type 2 DM intervention was effective in improving A1c outcomes and reducing healthcare utilization in the long term. [...]
Background: Patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are at high risk for morbidity and rehospitalizations. Pharmacists can play a vital role in secondary prevention by providing services such as medication reconciliation and patient education upon discharge. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a [...]
Pharmacist & Outcomes – Open Acess (Free PDF)
Introduction: Using long-acting injectable (LAI) medications increases treatment adherence and promotes positive outcomes for patients with substance use disorders (SUD). Despite documented benefits that LAI medications can have over their oral counterparts, they continue to be underused. With the expansion of pharmacists' scope of practice for medication administration services, there [...]
Introduction: Clinical pharmacists bring unparalleled medication expertise, but quantifying their impact on a health system's bottom line remains unestablished. Objective: To classify interventions by pharmacists with and without board certification and quantify the cost avoidance (CA) from accepted interventions. Methods: This multicenter prospective observational study, conducted between August 2018 and [...]
CONCLUSION: The study underscores the critical role of pharmacists in psychiatric care, with high physician acceptance of their interventions. The diverse range of DRPs highlights the need to expand clinical pharmacy services and integrate pharmacists into psychiatric teams. Our findings clearly demonstrate that integrating pharmacists into psychiatric care settings is [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led medication reviews were effective in resolving DRPs and improving clinical outcomes in HD patients, such as quality of life and lab values. However, their impact on healthcare utilisation and mortality remains inconclusive. Further research with longer follow-up is needed to assess the long-term economic outcomes of these interventions. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist care and physician care for patient e-visits for COVID-19 medication both yielded high quality of care, with no significant group differences. Evaluation of pharmacist care may be warranted for other e-visits designed to facilitate medication prescribing. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The cluster RCT will provide evidence on medication management through televisits. If found effective in improving the use of medications, the intervention has the potential to impact older adults with multiple chronic conditions and polypharmacy. [...]
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDPs) are a leading cause of poor maternal and birth outcomes worldwide. Prompt management of these disorders is usually recommended to optimize outcomes. Administration of pharmacotherapeutic agents is critical in the prevention and management of these disorders. The services of the pharmacist are required to maximize [...]
CONCLUSION: Data collected with respect to opioid use post-surgery, feasibility and acceptability of the intervention, patient experience and outcome data will inform the design of future research and larger clinical trials. [...]
Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are prevalent among Long-Term Care (LTC) users. Older people, who most use LTC services, are more prone to drug-related problems, which polypharmacy aggravates. Deprescribing is a key intervention to address polypharmacy and inappropriate medication. Evidence shows that pharmacists' expertise in medicines and their growing involvement in clinical-oriented [...]
CONCLUSION: Antimicrobial stewardship programmes are critical for any institution's proper health care system. It ensures proper antibiotic outflow to patients, thereby improving their health status. The role of pharmacists in establishing an AMS in a hospital setting is a highly commendable activity that enhances healthcare collaboration and outcomes. Clinical pharmacists [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmaceutical care services provided to diabetes patients had positive effects on disease prognosis, knowledge levels and disease perceptions. Patients with HbA1c level higher than 9% had the greatest benefit from pharmacist interventions. [...]
Digital health interventions have emerged as a promising approach for patient care. The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review of pharmacist-led digital health interventions for patients with diabetes. The PubMed database was used to select randomized controlled trials that assess the effectiveness of digital health interventions [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating an oncology clinical pharmacist into the clinical research team was associated with improved clinical trial enrollment. Validation of the effect of multidisciplinary interventions across a broader spectrum of differentially resourced oncology practices will be conducted within future MYLUNG iterations. [...]
CONCLUSION: This study identified the pharmacist's role in supportive care management and reports the successful integration of a clinical pharmacist into a breast cancer clinic. Future directions include conducting prospective studies to further explore the impact of the clinical pharmacist on treatment outcomes. [...]
Background/Objectives: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) can cause cases of community-acquired pneumonia, hospital-acquired pneumonia, and ventilator-associated pneumonia, and nasal colonization with this pathogen increases the risk of infection. Due to its high negative predictive value, multiple studies support using the MRSA nasal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to discontinue antimicrobials that [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that this approach led to fewer DRPs, a high rate of acceptance, and better adherence to treatment guidelines. This is the first retrospective pre-post study in the European Union to include this collaboration in daily rounds at psychiatric hospitals, focusing on somatic comorbidities. However, the study [...]
CONCLUSION: The results suggest implementing a pharmacist driven MRSA nasal surveillance program into practice could increase the number of MRSA nasal swabs ordered and promote timely de-escalation of vancomycin in patients with pneumonia. [...]
Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is commonly treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). However, adverse events from such treatment can lead to treatment discontinuation and additional medical expenditures. Ambulatory care from oncology pharmacists in patient education and symptom management can benefit patients with NSCLC. In this study, we evaluated the [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The University of Colorado Medicine's population health initiative provided mixed results on medication adherence metrics. Electronic health record messaging provided insight into ways to improve the intervention to better engage and assist patients. [...]
The unintended consequences of polypharmacy pose significant risks to older adults. The complexities of managing numerous medications from multiple prescribers demand a comprehensive approach to mitigate harms. Pharmacist-led clinics have been shown to improve outcomes in patients with diabetes and hypertension. Pharmacist-led clinics focused on broader issues of polypharmacy have [...]
(1) Background: In general, it is known that continuity of care can contribute to an increase in patient satisfaction, reduce health care costs, and improve patient outcomes. A guarantee of continuity in pharmacotherapy is a big challenge facing Japanese health care as a system that encourages cooperation/collaboration for pharmacists with [...]
CONCLUSIONS: A community pharmacist-linked cessation program in homeless shelters was associated with reduced consumption and increased weekly quit attempts, highlighting its potential for scalability among people experiencing homelessness with high rates of co-occurring behavioral health conditions. [...]
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This randomized clinical trial found a modest improvement in medication adherence among patients with CHF who received the pharmacist-led management intervention vs usual care. [...]
CONCLUSION: The current study showed the critical role of clinical pharmacists in training patients about medications and improving adherence to their pharmacotherapy. [...]
Adverse events (AEs) induced by cancer chemotherapy reduce not only patient quality of life (QOL) but also the efficacy of treatment. Management of AEs can therefore improve both the efficacy and safety of cancer chemotherapy. This review describes the contribution of pharmacists to the management of adverse events aimed at [...]
CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that pharmacist-led interventions significantly reduce drug-related problems in vascular surgery patients during hospitalisation, contributing to patient safety and clinical outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led AFS has the potential to enhance the effectiveness of antifungal treatments by improving their overall quality, reduction in consumption, and adverse events. The healthcare system should encourage multidisciplinary collaboration where pharmacists play a central role in decision-making processes regarding antifungal use. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacist-led ASP model showed an increase in adherence to the care bundle between the two study periods, with reduced probability of a negative outcome. Furthermore, risk factors for S. aureus bacteraemia were identified that may inform management and contribute to better patient outcomes in the paediatric population. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The Si-Care intervention significantly improved medication adherence among people with schizophrenia, contributing to the maintenance of stable symptoms. Pharmacist-led home interventions provide valuable support to address adherence challenges and should be considered a critical component in schizophrenia care. Future studies should consider a more rigorous design, a larger sample [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Evaluations and delabelling by pharmacists (vs allergists) were comparably effective and safe among patients with low-risk penicillin allergy. Moreover, patients evaluated by pharmacists even reported significantly greater improvements in HR-QoL, highlighting the potential of multidisciplinary allergy initiatives. [...]
CONCLUSION: Utilizing a TOC pharmacy service may be associated with a reduction in all-cause 30-day readmission rates for patients with COPD. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist-led aminoglycoside stewardship significantly improved the appropriate use of aminoglycosides and decreased the associated costs. Thus, pharmacist involvement is essential for the proper use of aminoglycosides. However, many patients required aminoglycoside dose reductions despite the pharmacist's guideline-based dosing design. Therefore, further accumulation of information on the management of aminoglycoside [...]
CONCLUSION: These quantitative findings highlight the importance of pharmacist-led interventions and suggest a framework for future programs about medication management. [...]
Background:Patients are at risk of experiencing medication errors during each transition of care (TOC), which can result in adverse drug events and readmissions. Implementing a pharmacist-led TOC service can optimize medication safety and patient outcomes by identifying and correcting medication discrepancies prior to hospital discharge. A pharmacist-led TOC service at [...]
Purpose: While intravenous (IV) iron repletion is an effective tool to treat anemia and improve outcomes in chronic kidney disease (CKD), guideline laboratory definitions of iron deficiency differ, resulting in variability in screening and repletion strategies. This study sought to describe current practices surrounding identification and treatment of iron deficiency [...]
CONCLUSION: The impact of pharmacist-led interventions in rural pharmacies allowed the detection of a high number of drug-related issues and significantly reduced the number of DRPs and PIPs, preventing negative health outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: In this retrospective cohort study, a pharmacist-led MTM program was associated with favorable guideline-directed medical therapy optimization and lower risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis with HF. [...]
CONCLUSION: The IMMENSE intervention significantly reduced the risk of PIMs at discharge, with no effect on PPOs. Living in nursing homes, home care facilities, or institutions prior to hospitalization increased the risk of PPOs at discharge. Pharmacists may contribute to improved medication appropriateness in older hospitalized patients. [...]
CONCLUSION: Existing evidence demonstrates the positive impact of pharmacists' involvement in AMS. There needs to be a concerted effort in facilitating pharmacist roles in AMS across all countries, irrespective of income setting. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist prescribing has increased significantly over a short period of time. Environmental supports (e.g., time, space, access to patient records), government funding, peer support, and public awareness are needed to optimize and fully implement these practice changes. [...]
CONCLUSION: The study emphasizes the importance of addressing discrepancies made by patients after hospital discharge, which can result in potentially harmful outcomes. It also shows that a pharmacist-led hospital intervention can significantly reduce discrepancies in the early post-discharge period. These findings can guide the development of future services to improve [...]
CONCLUSION: This study highlights the high incidence of DRPs and malnutrition risk in ICU patients with renal dysfunction, emphasizing the vital role of clinical pharmacists. Their collaboration with healthcare professionals significantly reduced both DRPs and NRPs. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Following implementation of a pharmacist-driven AUC monitoring program, patients were less likely to develop nephrotoxicity during outpatient vancomycin therapy. [...]
BACKGROUND: Group education has demonstrated benefits among people with diabetes, including reduced A1C and improved self-monitoring practices. Despite this, attendance rates are low for a variety of reasons, including lack of understanding of potential benefits among patients. [...]
Background: Although electronic consults (e-consults) are utilized in healthcare systems by medical professionals, use of e-consults by pharmacy remains novel outside of niche disease states. Additional research is required to fill literature gaps to assist in optimizing the pharmacist's role in e-consult programs. Objective: This study aimed to assess the [...]
Purpose: Ambulatory care pharmacists (ACPs) on healthcare teams improve patient outcomes and can manage multiple chronic disease states. ACPs have demonstrated clinical benefit but need to prove financial sustainability. The primary objective of this study was to determine the cost-effectiveness of utilizing ACPs for diabetes mellitus (DM) management. Methods: This [...]
Contemporary patient care requires a multidisciplinary approach to monitoring, assessing, and managing diseases. Promoting multidisciplinary approaches encourages the purposeful participation of many healthcare professionals and harnessing their combined knowledge to provide tailored treatment plans. Pharmacists, skilled and knowledgeable professionals in medication management, drug-related problems, and disease prevention, can offer vital [...]
CONCLUSION: HMRs targeting TTs improved health outcomes in people with COPD. Credentialed pharmacists in primary care can work alongside general practitioners to optimise COPD management. [...]
In Mexico, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a serious public health concern. As experts in drug therapy, pharmacists are essential additions to multidisciplinary diabetes patient care teams. There have been no systematic reviews or meta-analyses performed on pharmacist-led interventions (PIs) in Mexico; therefore, the impact of PIs on patients [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacist-driven weekend AMS is an opportunity for pharmacists to intervene and optimize patients' care plans. This initiative demonstrated significant increased AMS-related interventions, promoted judicious antimicrobial use, and contributed to a reduced length of hospital stay. Our findings need to be replicated in a larger prospective study. [...]
CONCLUSION: This clinical pharmacist-driven service leveraged technology and patient connection to increase medication adherence in patients with chronic disease states and led to improvement in select disease control measures and substantial health care cost savings. [...]
Background: Frailty and polymedication are closely interrelated. Addressing these concurrent conditions in primary care settings relies on the utilization of potentially inappropriate medication (PIM) lists and medication reviews (MRs), particularly in rural areas, where healthcare professionals serve as the sole point of access to the medical system. The aim of [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Implementing a pharmacist discharge medication service requires consideration of -pharmacist time and salary, which may be offset by cost-avoidance. [...]
CONCLUSION: By presenting screenshots of our SmartForm©, our findings are useful to other healthcare systems looking for a PROM solution integrated in the EHR, with a reasonable pharmacist/clinician workload, and no requirement for patients to have internet access/comfort. [...]
CONCLUSION: A new feasible, complex MR intervention utilising clinical pharmacists in general practice involving hospital clinical pharmacists in a real-life setting was developed. [...]
CONCLUSION: HF pharmacists can optimise patients' HF and non-HF medical therapy typically within 3 months. By reviewing all prescribed medications, HF pharmacists provide a holistic review of all medications. They can play a vital role in addressing the underutilisation of HF medical therapy and thereby improving patient outcomes. [...]
BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections are common affections, especially for women. Difficult access to a general practitioner to obtain a prescription has led France to offer dispensing under protocol by community pharmacists. The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a pharmacist care protocol provided to manage [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The pharmacy intervention protocol effectively improved medication adherence and optimised medication regimens in diabetic patients with chronic medication regimens in an ambulatory healthcare centre. [...]
BACKGROUND: The benefit of generalist pharmacists working within primary care networks (PCNs) and with general practitioners (GPs) is established. We wished to evaluate the contributions and potential benefits of a specialist mental health care prescribing pharmacist within PCNs. [...]
CONCLUSION: The systematic review identified limited literature on pharmacist-led interventions for unused and expired household medication disposal practices, with no observed significant effects. Active patient and pharmacist engagement were required to enhance the effectiveness of interventions. Furthermore, the included limited studies suggested the need for the development of more pharmacist-led [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Broad support exists for pharmacist-led anticoagulation clinics in primary care, though additional pharmacist training and accountability concerns need to be addressed for successful implementation. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Early adoption of the DOAC population management tool dashboard was associated with decreased rates of off-label DOAC dosing prescription and reduced bleeding. Following adoption of the DOAC population management tool dashboard, all sites experienced reductions in venous thromboembolism and stroke events. [...]
CONCLUSION: There is mixed evidence of effectiveness for medication reviews across settings and patient populations. There is limited data about the implementation of medication reviews, therefore is difficult to ascertain which components of the intervention lead to improved outcomes. As medication reviews are widely implemented in practice, further research should [...]
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the magnitude of MEs experienced in hospitalised PLHIV and highlights the role clinical pharmacists play in identifying and resolving MEs to improve patient outcomes. [...]
CONCLUSION: A PETS-initiated NRT program in PAC is feasible and increased preoperative use of NRT and Quitline© with minimal impact on smoking cessation. SO WHAT?: This study has highlighted the importance of implementing a multidisciplinary smoking cessation program in PAC however, larger studies are needed to determine the true impact [...]
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide and the fifth most common cause of cancer death overall. Most women with breast cancer have a good prognosis if the cancer is detected at an early stage and the patients have access to the appropriate treatment and [...]
CONCLUSION: Our study's findings demonstrated SVR rates that were comparable with other pharmacist-directed HCV treatment services in the United States despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our study included a higher proportion of individuals with HCV/HIV co-infection and of Hispanic ethnicity. [...]
CONCLUSION: This study establishes the evaluation of clinical pharmacist interventions on opioid medication use in patients with cancer, an issue particularly in oncology settings in Pakistan. The findings emphasize the crucial role of clinical pharmacists in addressing issues related to opioid issue medications, thus improving patient safety and optimizing opioid [...]
CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the study has shown the impact of pharmacist-led antihypertensive clinics in systolic BP control and achieving high patient satisfaction. The study generated insights into participant cooperation with pharmacist services and needs. More research on different outcomes is planned for future studies, including systematic pharmacotherapy work-up, patient medication [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that remote pharmacist intervention significantly improves blood glucose control in adults with T2DM. [...]
CONCLUSION: Diabetic patients attending at least four DMTAC sessions showed potential improvements in FBS levels. To enhance attendance at DMTAC sessions, healthcare professionals should focus on patients identified with risk factors for non-completion of DMTAC. [...]
This is a systematic literature review on the impact of pharmacists in rheumatology, conducted using the PubMed^(®), CINAHL^(®), Cochrane Library^(®), and Web of science^(®) databases and using the PRISMA 2020 checklist. This review was conducted from 2000 to June 2024. A quality analysis was performed. The selection of articles, as [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacist-led interventions have been reported to reduce overprescribing in primary care settings in the UK but a shortage of high-quality evidence means that more rigorous studies using high-quality designs are needed. More research is also needed in community pharmacy settings; to assess intervention effects on patient outcomes other than [...]
Reporting interventions thoroughly and consistently in the literature allows for study reproducibility or implementation of the intervention into practice. Although there is currently no standard for describing Board-Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP) interventions in the published literature, there are multiple checklists or guides that have been developed for reporting clinical interventions, [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led interventions are effective at improving clinically important outcomes in the perioperative setting; however, most studies were of moderate quality. Studies lacked the utilization of theory to develop interventions; therefore, it is not clear whether theory-derived interventions are more effective than those without a theoretical element. Future research should [...]
In this article the pivotal role of hospital pharmacists in the multidisciplinary management of epilepsy is discussed. Hospital pharmacists are members of national and local ethics committees, oversee clinical trials, and ensure adherence to regulations for patient access to novel therapeutic treatments. They actively contribute to regulatory processes and the [...]
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: This randomized clinical trial found that pharmacist OAC prescription is a potentially high-yield opportunity to effectively close gaps in the delivery of stroke risk reduction therapy for AF. Scalability and sustainability of pharmacist OAC prescription will require larger trials demonstrating effectiveness and safety. [...]
Background This qualitative study aimed to collect information regarding pharmacists' roles in telepharmacy and chronic disease management (CDM). The literature review was conducted on historical overview, CDM overview, social determinants of health (SDOH), disparities, hospital readmissions, adverse drug events, best practices, and global implications of telepharmacy. Materials and methods Eleven [...]
CONCLUSION: This study sheds light on the intricate dynamics between patient characteristics, health status, medication adherence, and QOL within the context of the patient-pharmacist relationships. [...]
CONCLUSION: This study shows the potential efficacy of pharmacist-led intervention in enhancing adherence to inhaler, inhalation technique, and disease control in respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. [...]
CONCLUSION: Pharmacist-led application of STOPPFrail to frail older nursing home residents is associated with significant cost avoidance. Wider implementation of pharmacist interventions in frail older nursing home residents should be considered to reduce potentially inappropriate medications and patient harm, alongside substantial cost savings for healthcare systems. [...]
Unplanned hospital readmission is a safety and quality healthcare measure, conferring significant costs to the healthcare system. Elderly individuals, particularly, are at high risk of readmissions, often due to issues related to medication management. Pharmacists play a pivotal role in addressing medication-related concerns, which can potentially reduce readmissions. This retrospective [...]
CONCLUSION: The position-oriented diversified learning system achieves the perfect combination of department development direction and individual career planning of employees. The learning system can significantly improve the learning efficiency of pharmacists, enhance the quality of various pharmaceutical care, and promote the development of disciplines. [...]
CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: STOPPFrail-guided deprescribing led by a pharmacist in nursing homes appeared to significantly reduce PIMs, medication costs (initially), and anticholinergic and sedative burdens, without adversely affecting other patient outcomes. Greater consideration should therefore be given to the wider integration of pharmacists into nursing homes to optimize the medications [...]
CONCLUSION: Whilst there is some evidence of positive impacts of pharmacist intervention on clinical outcomes and optimizing drug therapy, this evidence is generally of low quality and insufficient volume. While this review suggests that pharmacists have essential roles in improving the care of patients undergoing surgery, more research with rigorous [...]
CONCLUSION: The PSPSQ 2.0 was successfully translated and culturally adapted into the Arabic language and had acceptable validity and reliability to measure patient satisfaction with services provided by pharmacists in community pharmacies. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the prevalence of GC-related problems is high in patients with rheumatic diseases. Integrating clinical pharmacists into the multidisciplinary rheumatology team provides an advantage in effectively identifying and managing GC-related problems at an early stage. [...]
Home hospitalization represents an alternative to traditional hospitalization, providing comparable clinical safety for hematological patients. At-home therapies can range from the delivery of intravenous antibiotics to more complex scenarios, such as the care during the early period after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy. Early discharge [...]
CONCLUSION: Patients in the PLAC group had a significantly higher median TTR than those in the UMC group did. There were no statistically significant differences in the secondary outcomes between the groups, except for fewer all-cause emergency department visits in the PLAC group. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the critical role pharmacists play in enhancing medication safety and patient care efficiency in special housing for individuals with dementia. Despite the value of their contributions, communication barriers within healthcare teams pose significant challenges. Recognising potential pharmacist role expansion is essential to alleviate the workload of [...]
CONCLUSION: The algorithm identified patients without necessary gastroprotection or inappropriate PPIs with high specificity and acceptable sensitivity. It positively impacted the rational use of PPIs by reducing incidents of missing and inappropriate PPIs. [...]
CONCLUSION: Overall, patients reported positive perceptions, experiences, and satisfaction with the cancer services pharmacist counselling services during their oral antineoplastic treatment. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacists provide screening for a variety of mental illnesses in different settings. Various referral methods and follow-up pathways may be utilised for post-screening patient care. However, current evidence is insufficient to establish improvements in early detection, treatment, or outcomes. Further large, well-designed studies are required to support the role [...]
CONCLUSIONS: These findings highlight the crucial role of pharmacists within healthcare teams in Asian countries. Pharmacist interventions have an impact on reducing hospitalization and mortality rates among the elderly people, underscoring the importance of optimizing patient outcomes in Asia. [...]
CONCLUSIONS: The study revealed that pharmacists have provided cognitive input to rationalize and optimize the medication use and prevent errors, that led to the reported projected avoided and saved expenditures via various interventions to address drug-related problems. This highlights the added economic impact to the clinical impact of drug-related problems [...]
Although dietary potassium restriction is an acceptable approach to hyperkalemia prevention, it may be insufficient for outpatients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Most outpatients with CKD use community pharmacies owing to the free access scheme in Japan. The MieYaku-CKD project included a community pharmacist-led nutritional intervention for dietary potassium restriction, [...]
CONCLUSION: The revealed differences in patient selection, intervention delivery, and outcome assessment highlight the need for more standardization in research on CP-led medication reviews. While intervention delivery should be more precisely described to capture potential differences between interventions, outcome assessment should be standardized in terms of outcome selection by application [...]
CONCLUSIONS: Although primary healthcare practitioners held positive attitudes towards pharmacist clinics, limited knowledge, low confidence, and high workload contributed to the scarcity of their implementation. Practitioners with diverse sociodemographic characteristics, such as education, age, and institution, showed varying perceptions and practices regarding pharmacist clinics. [...]